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Monday, November 30 2009


Yesterday, I turned 64.

If I were ounces, I'd be
Halfway to gallon-hood.

Were I dark and light squares,
I'd be a complete chess board,
Ready for play.

Birthdays, it seems, invite us
To ponder the journey.

Here's a quote:

"Be soft in your practice.
Think of the method as a
fine silvery stream,
not a raging waterfall.

Follow the stream.
Have faith in its course.
It will go its own way,
meandering here, trickling there.

It will find the grooves,
the cracks, the crevices.
Just follow it.
Never let it out of your sight.

It will take you."

              Buddhist Master
                  Sheng-yen (1930 -2009)

Thanks, Jerry Wellik, for the quote.

And thank you, traveling companions.
We don't journey alone.

Posted by: AT 02:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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