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Tuesday, December 21 2021



Companions on the Journey


We do not travel alone

While we may feel separate

We never are


Companions in physical form

People, critters, trees 

Inform and inspire us


Holding our hands

Healing our hearts

Helping us hope.


Companions in spirit

Surround us and soothe us

Cheering us, guiding us


Illuminating the path

When times are dark

And eyesight is dim.


The Divine Companion

Loves unconditionally

Accepting us always


Divine Love

In every cell

In every sinew


Divine Accompaniment

With every step

With every breath.


Companioned beings

Beloved beings

We do not travel alone.



Thank you so much for your companionship on the journey.

I intend to spend more time writing and sharing in 2022.

May the season bring you deep peace and every joy!





Posted by: AT 02:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

    James Bryer - Softening to Love
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