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Monday, September 28 2009


       At its core, the concept of Softening to Love is an invitation to flow with an energy that permeates all that is - an energy that creates, nourishes, heals, and ultimately defines us.  Love is one name for that universal energy.

       Master Chunyi Lin - an extraordinary teacher, gifted healer, and founder of Spring Forest QiGong - spoke recently to a gathering in St. Cloud about the healing power of unconditional love.  At the beginning of a guided meditation to help us soften to love and become "love radiators," he invited us to smile.

       Have you every noticed how the physical act of smiling affects your spirit?

       Using acronym, Chunyi redefined smile as a way of setting intention, prior to meditation or any other engagement with life.


       Smile.  Fire up that love engine.  Let it purr.  Let it roar.

Posted by: AT 12:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

    James Bryer - Softening to Love
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