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Thursday, August 16 2012



Deer Teaching


      Just back from our travels, Joanie and I resumed our tradition of a morning jog in the woods near our home.  Typically, along the trail, we'll stir up some deer – often a mom with a couple fawns – who scatter at our approach.


       Yesterday, we came upon a couple of larger bucks, whose 8 or 10 point antlers were still fuzzy with newness.  Instead of scampering, they backed off the trail 20 yards or so, turned toward us and watched.  There was a calm alertness to them, perhaps even a curiosity.  They didn't seem anxious.


       What a wonderful teaching about mindfulness.  Disengage from the swirl of activity, step back and observe.  No stories, no judgment, a readiness to respond as needed. 


       A great way, I thought, to approach the helter-skelter of what goes on around me and within me, especially now as I re-enter the busy-ness of everyday life.


       Thanks, deer. 



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 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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