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Sunday, July 26 2009
Breathing Love

In my personal cosmology,
connection is an antidote to human suffering.
And love is what heals.

On a recent morning jog,
I began playing with a breathing practice
that builds on the consciousness of connection
and the remembrance of love.
It starts with a self-healing warm-up
and moves toward universal healing.

If you decide to try it,
let one set of affirmations take root,
before moving on to the next.

Self Healing

On the inhale, affirm:  "I am connected."
On the exhale, affirm:  "I am loved."

Toward Universal Healing

Inhale the affirmation:  "I am loved."
Exhale the affirmation:  "I am love."

Then inhale:  "I am love."
And exhale:  "All is love."

Stay tuned next week for Breathing Spaciousness.
Posted by: AT 07:58 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

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