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Tuesday, July 07 2009

About God

The mystery of God is not to be unraveled -- at least not in writing.
Here are some quotes pointing us in the general direction:

"The nature of God is a circle, of which the center is everywhere
and the circumference is nowhere"
Empedocles (Greek philosopher)

"There is nothing in all creation so like God as stillness."
Meister Eckhart (Christian mystic)

"There is no place to which we could flee from God
which is outside God."
Paul Tillich (Theologian)

"Whether invoked or not, God will be present."
Carl Jung (Psychologist)

"We find God in our own being, which is the mirror of God."
Thomas Merton (Trappist monk)

"God is Love."
St. John (Apostle)
Posted by: AT 09:11 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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