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Monday, October 26 2009

Two Rememberings

       As I think about the journey to more fully realize who we are in the larger scheme of things, I see two things we need to remember:

Our lovability


Our love-ability

       Lovability is not so much about personal characteristics - though we are, of course, lovable in that sense.  It's mainly about the nature of the universe, which is to love.  Ready or not, aware or not, "worthy" or not, we all bask in this radiance - 24/7.

       Likewise, our love-ability is partly a personal capacity and mostly a manifestation of who we are - beings of light, inseparable from, and vibrating in union with, a universe whose first expression is the energy of love.

       As we remember the universal, the personal deepens and expands.  Try to remember.

Posted by: AT 11:22 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, October 20 2009

De-Fault Position

       We humans are naturally wired to see danger, to look for problems, to focus on what's wrong, to find fault.  I like to think of this as our "de-fault" position.

       With mindfulness, conscious effort and persistent practice, we can shift to a different default position - a new way of perceiving that becomes just as natural and automatic as our fear-based orientation - a way of perceiving that cultivates peace and a grateful heart.

       We can re-wire to see beauty - within and about.

Posted by: AT 08:52 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 12 2009

Love's Wisdom

       After 35 years of doing couple's therapy and even longer at navigating my own relationships, I continue to be struck by our deep wisdom in selecting intimate partners.

       Perhaps you've noticed:  we don't necessarily pick the easiest people to be with.  In fact, we seem to have an uncanny knack for picking just the right person to help us grow. 

       Whatever lessons we need to learn, whatever wounds need healing, whatever skills we need to develop - whatever is necessary for our wholeness - we can rest assured:  it will be called forth in our closest relationships.  Wherever we need work - in showing up, perhaps, or in letting go - we'll get ample opportunity.

       Love is wise.  Surrender to its teaching.  Trust its work within you.  Trust relationship as a path to growth - even when you don't know where that path is leading.
Posted by: AT 11:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 05 2009

Vulnerably Indestructible

       As life experience continues to humble and enrich me, and as a spiritual sense of connection to cosmos continues to deepen, I'm struck once again by the mystery of who we are.

       Psychologically, we are vulnerable - perhaps more than we'd like to admit - sensitive to insult and injury, easily captured by fear and old stories, doing our best to stay in control.

       At another level, we are indestructible - beings of light, in love with all, dancing in the flow, embracing the adventure of expansion - not the least bit inclined to hang on or close down.

       Vulnerable, not fragile.  Indestructible, not impervious.

       Can we soften to both realities?

       Can we make room for all of who we are?

Posted by: AT 10:58 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

 "James has a very welcoming presence and an easy going demeanor in addition to an excellent sense of humor . We are all free to be our own goofy selves."

    James Bryer - Softening to Love
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